UPDATED! Saint Andrew's Camp report (slideshow). Videos of Bishop Michael's "Address to the Diocese" and "2014: The Year in Review" along with photos, documents, reports, and more from the annual Assembly of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey are now available! Of special note regarding the proceedings are the unanimous approval of the proposed FY-2015 Budget, and the unanimously affirmed appointments by Bishop Michael of Father David Cowan as Vice Chancellor of the Diocese and Father Peter Olsen as the clergy member of the Diocesan Council representing the New York State Deanery, Special presentations to the Assembly included an update on Saint Andrew's Camp by Father John Malcom (Camp Director) and a stimulating discussion on "Parish Evangelism" by Father John Parker (OCA Department of Evangelization, Chair). You can view the videos and more on the Assembly website!
Diocese of New York
and New Jersey
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Bronxville NY 10708
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